What They're Saying About Inflight200?
  1. “I have been a collector of 1/200 scale diecast aircraft models since I bought my first one in September 2023. It was an InFlight CPAir DC-10. I presently own 90 models, and they are ALL InFlight 200! I buy no others. I feel that you make the best 1/200 scale models out there. They are the most realistic.”

    Rob -- March 2025

  2. “I have just received my Varig Lockheed Electra and it is absolutely perfect! I remember asking you about this particular livery and really excited to receive your email confirming it was coming out in February. Thank you very much for the great work and for listening to your customers. This aircraft holds a special place in my heart since I took it many times when living in Brazil. ”

    Luiz -- February 2025

  3. “I am a collector of IF200 models for several years. Today I picked up a preorder of the Olympic A300B2 (IF30B2OL0124). After I checked the model at home I felt the need to write to you to tell you how happy this model makes me as an olympic airways collector! Like I said after so many years I can appreciate good models and this is one excellent, the mould, the removable gears, the finish... so well done and thank you for this model!”

    Chris M -- October 2024

  4. “I am a big fun of your company and have in my
    collection many models in 1:200. I am also a big
    fun and collector of Olympic Airways from the
    70ies and 80ies.”

    Chris -- September 2024

  5. “Hey guys, your models are the best
    around and you seem to have the only decent
    release lineup nowadays! You guys are making some
    great 1:200 retro A320’s with IAE engines,”

    Noah -- September 2024

  6. “Thank you for the amazing releases.”

    Rohan -- September 2024

  7. “You have the best mold of the A310-300 in 1/200
    scale of all the market and i have been colecting
    your models for more than 12 years (112 in
    total),my favorite being the AIR AFRIQUE DC-10-30
    that you have produced in limted numbers.”

    Rachid -- September 2024

  8. “Hello from the USA! I am a huge fan of Inflight200 models (I own 75 of them). Just wanted to send some requests / ideas for future releases”

    Cody USA -- March 2024

  9. “As a former travel agent I used to say if Pan Am doesn’t go there, you have no business going. I now say if it’s not made by InFlight Models you have no business buying it. Your company is the best.

    Thank you for the great products you make!”

    KM USA -- March 2024

  10. “Firstly I'd just like to say how good your
    models really are, I have a number of your models
    and I am very happy with them.”

    Mark -- July 2023

  11. “Dear team , I would like to say that you
    for each model you made for the high quality, i
    sent you in the past an email for to make models
    of Royal Jordanian airlines, and maybe you notice
    that email, and really thank you for you making
    Royal Jordanian models”

    Ala Algo -- July 2023

  12. “I have been collecting your projects for 20 years
    now and look forward to your future efforts.
    I would like to suggest the classic jetliners of
    Royal Air Maroc(ie 707, 727, 737 and 747.
    Thanks for your consideration ,
    INFLIGHT REPLY Thank you for your suggestion and we are sure that these will make an appearance in the future.”

    Robert -- July 2023

  13. “I would just like to thank you for the
    excellent models you produced over the years.
    There are a few that I would love you to produce
    in the future. The original 707, when they were
    first delivered to the airlines.”

    Mark -- July 2023

  14. “I would like to start by saying I love your
    products the quality and detail is amazing. But my
    favourite aircraft is the McDonnell Douglas DC-10
    and as they are an older aircraft they âre not in
    use anymore unfortunately. But I have a suggestion
    there is only one DC-10 in commercial freighter
    service left in the world. The aircraft fly's for
    TAB cargo and the aircraft registration is
    INFLIGHT REPLY We have listened to you and this will be released”

    Nathan Gleeson -- July 2023

  15. “I have purchased a large number of
    Inflight200 models, and have been so very
    impressed with their quality! As a matter of
    fact, I can't stop buying them! :)”

    Thomas USA -- September 2021

  16. “First the compliment for the airplane models you
    make they are really great I already have the
    B727-200, B757--200, B767-200 from your company.”

    Michel HOLLAND -- August 2021

  17. “Once again more stunning new
    announcements! so glad to see the Classic Jets
    being released in particular the CV880,”

    Andrew -- August 2021

  18. “as a proud Brit!!! may we please see this british
    airways 747-100 in landor liver..Never has been
    done by inflight 200..”

    Marvin UK -- August 2021

  19. “Will you ever make another series old Yugoslav
    airlines models? I'm so sad. There is no option to
    get those models. Please make a series, it would
    be sold out in no time. Inflight.....Yes coming soon with the DC-10”

    Aleksa -- August 2021

  20. “I wanted to say that you do a great
    job with your models, which are in my opinion the
    best on the market.”

    Tobias -- December 2020

  21. “Thank you for the models you make they are the best for details in the market”

    James -- September 2020

  22. “I am a big fan of INFLIGHT200 models. I would like
    to know if eventually You produce new models of
    your SOLD OUT models. That is because Your models
    are so great and very little, so they go very
    fast, and not everyone who wanted to have it,
    could have it.”

    Eduardo -- September 2020

  23. “My name is Jonathan Meigs. I have been fortunate
    enough to acquire numerous excellent Inflight200
    models over that last several years. Inflight200's
    Boeing 747 models have been of an especially
    excellent quality.”

    Johnathan -- July 2020

  24. “I am a massive fan of your models because of the
    quality and the level of detail.”

    Nathan -- July 2020

  25. “hi there, since you guys have the best
    737-200 mold out there, this model would be so
    cool to produce. this airline has the biggest
    fleet of 737-200s so it would be good.

    Nolinor 737-200”

    Jason -- July 2020

  26. “Hi there. I have been collecting
    Inflight models for decades now and rate them as
    no.1 in terms of quality and detail. Every release
    I get excited to see if there is one that I have
    flown on, as I collect these.”

    Robert -- March 2020

  27. “Just received my 200 scale LAN A340-300.
    Wow, the model is just perfect, your attention to
    detail is superb.”

    Juan Carlos -- March 2020

  28. “My name is Jonathan. I am an avid collector of aircraft models in the U.S. Inflight200 does phenomenal models. If a 747 (of any series, 100-400) from a particular airline is available from you, I exclusively purchase 747's from Inflight200 if possible. Your detailing and molds are beyond exceptional. I have numerous Inflight200 747s as well as several DC-8-63's and a your new Lockheed LM-100J Hercules model.”

    Jonathan USA -- December 2018

  29. “The inflight200 models are absolutely
    beautiful, very well made, the details and the
    quality are remarkable. thanks to you for the
    pleasure you bring to collectors. long life to

    Philippe France -- November 2018

  30. “Hi. The release of the AA 707 is a dream fulfilled. This is the icon of classic domestic US jet aviation. PA and TW were considered international, along with the beautiful Comet. They made all props suddenly obsolete.
    But before the DC-8 began flying with UA, this was image of modern travel from IDW and ORD to LAX and SFO. This model is truly historic. We built the Revell plastic version in the 60's. But silver paint can't compare to polished metal. So this will come full circle to some of my favorite childhood memories. I have ordered two from EzToys, for safe keeping of such an important piece. Thank you. You have surprised and delighted once again. I know that many older collectors like myself will be very pleased to see this arrive. Inflight200 is museum quality diecast. Beyond pending releases, I have 172 of your legacy airliners, and several dozen current ones as well. I will enjoy them the rest of my life. Stay safe. Onward to the future.

    Ben USA -- September 2018

  31. “Thank you! Two Frontier 737's just ordered. United and America West just arrived. You are making this a great year for classic collectors. Perfect in details. Please, please consider Eastern white tail Whisperjet 727-100 and original hockey stick 747-100. Maybe someday also a polished Northwest Orient 707 to update the painted metal top. I donate older models to children charities when replaced by more realistic versions. Mostly 400 scale, but 200 on such occasion, as continued dedication to precision allows. Like the polished Trans Global soon to come. Having been in foster care, all those years ago, at age 10, I know how much it means to have something rare and beautiful to call my own. I didn't dare dream of such things then. Perhaps why I am enjoying it so much, fifty years later. Thanks again. Ben”

    Ben USA -- August 2018

  32. “It is great to see that Inflight is listening to the collector with the new releases you have announced, we thank you for this.

    Jack UK -- July 2018

  33. “Inflight200 has done a fantastic job at making this model realistic! This model was #360 of the limited production run is one that was made with tender loving care!”

    Richard Teteris -- July 2017

  34. “Inflight has shown they really have the mold on their 747 line up down to perfection. It will get a perfect 10 from me.

    The paint and decal process on this model were excellent as and I will assess a solid 9 out of 10 for the fine craftsmanship shown by Inflight.

    The quality control and printing of this model will get another solid 9 from me.”

    Cyrus Cambata -- April 2017

  35. “I have recently purchased the Canada 3000 757
    model which I think is fantastic and is the new
    centre piece of my collection.”

    Steven 08/28/2024